Since we have so many new ECs and because so many of the Colorado After Action reports indicate repeats of just a few errors, we have the "ECs Check List". This list is a single source reference for those items you need to consider/use for every event or incident.
The mission coordinators outline provides you with a list of those items that need to be considered in every event/incident. Not every item will be used every time but all need to be considered.
The lessons learned summary provides you with a list of those items that have been most often forgotten in past events and incidents. This list is a total of twenty-one items that you may want to cover with your people several days to several weeks before the event.
ECom Introduction is for new operators and/or those that have been "inactive" for a sustained period of time. It is provided so that new operators will be at a reasonably functional level in their first event.
ICS Duties is the list of items that -all- of our operators need to consider as they prepare to go out on assignment. This list is from the ICS-400 course with slight wording changes so it applies even better to ECom operators.
Other lists and information are presented in the web site. Use the "training" link from the navigation bar.
If you have any input on this list or any of the documents listed above, please contact me at the E-mail address below.