A Politican's Terms
- - Defined - -

Sound Jurisprudence
court rulings my party likes
Judicial Activism
court rulings my party hates

Special Interests
lobbiests my party doesn't like
Industry Spokesmen
lobbiests making large "contributions" to my party

Law and Order
government enforcing laws my party likes
Government Interference
laws my party doesn't like

Runaway Litigation
lawsuits against party interests
Tort Reform
legal protection for party interests

boat people my party likes
Illegal Immigrants
boat people conservatives hate... since they don't exist to liberals

Faith-based Organization
religions my party likes
religious movements my party disapproves of

foreign governments the Democrats (and/or the MSM) like
foreign governments the Democrats (and/or the MSM) dislike

Militia leaders
armed locals with conservative ideas....
often used durogatorically toward anyone armed, even oathkeepers by liberals
armed foreigners who frighten politicians of any party

Protection of Strategic Interest
US military intervention
Violation of Sovereign Boundaries
when certain countries attack neighbors

Welfare Queen
federal handouts to lazy people
Corporate Welfare
federal handouts to lazy corporations

Public Servant
my party's congressmen
Career Politician
the other party's congressmen

Regrettable incident
scandal involving my party
Failure of liberal values
scandal involving the other party

Stock Market collapse
share price slide under a Republican president
Market Correction
share price slide under a Democrat president

Concerned Scientist
an "expert" my party agrees with
Environmental Extremist
an "expert" liberals agree with

people out of work under Republican Administrations
Labor surpluses
people out of work under Democratic Administrations

Team Player
My party's Senate Majority Leader or House Speaker during any administration
an opposition Senate Majority Leader or House Speaker during any administration

Consulting Fee
When my party's legislator gets cash from an interested organization
When an opposition legislator gets cash from an interested organization

my party's politicos blundering ahead when all evidence points to his/her chosen course being completely wrong
the opposition displaying thoughtfulness or weighing all the options

any opposition member who delivers a scathing speech against us
Tears _____ a new one
a party member who delivers a scathing speech against a member of the opposition

Naked Aggression
When a country my party pols don't like invades another country
Pre-emptive Self Defense
When a country party pols like invades another country

No Mandate
When a Republican incumbent president wins by a small margin
Winning Handily
When a Democratic party's incumbent president wins by the smallest margin in history

Enforcing the will of the people
When any politician pushes an issue the public at large agrees with
Exhibiting political courage
When a Democrat does the wrong thing for all the wrong reasons, and knows it, yet does it anyway (like Pelosi)

Debt under a Republican president
Fiscally irresponsible
Debt under a Democratic party president, that is IMMENSE
Fiscally responsible

Old News
Any scandal that's never been fully investigated and/or prosecuted involving my party
Serious Unresolved Issue
Any opposition scandal that's never been fully investigated and/or prosecuted

E-mail at: w0ipl@arrl.net