The information persented here is from a number of sources on
the internet. In one place it says to simply copy the software
into Windows 98. That is contrary to the way windows has operated
for YEARS (you have to install it for Windows to see it). If you
have additions or corrections, please let me know.
Pat Lambert, W0IPL (
The AGWPE allows multiple programs to talk to the TNC at the same
time. Thus you can run WinAPRS and a BBS program and a DX cluster all
at the same time with one TNC (they must be on the same frequency).
Additionally, the TNC can be on a seperate computer.
The ability to run on a SEPERATE computer is VERY IMPORTANT. This
allows MacAPRS and X-APRS users to use this feature as well if they
have a Windows Box available.
Other advantages include
Once AGWPE is configured, in WinAPRS go to SETTINGS / PORTS. This
will bring up a list, It should be pre-configured with an entry for
AGWPE on LOCAL. Select this entry and click the OPEN button.
That is all there is to it.
If you want to run AGWPE on a seperate machine, go to your
WinAPRS / MacAPRS directory, and find the PORTS folder. The latest
version should create that folder for you. Inside it will be files.
Duplicate the AGWPE.PRT file and edit it to contain the TCP/IP
address of the machine you are running AGWPE on.
Then proceed as above.
The AGWPE program is shareware, however, he only requires
registration if you are using the TCP over AX-25 option.
AGWPE is the AGW Packet Engine written by SV2AGW. This software is a
standalone packet engine that basically does nothing but talk to TNCs.
It gives other program a uniform interface to the TNC, be it a normal
TNC-2 design or a Baycom or a soundblaster hooked up to a radio.
Refer to for full infomration.
Installation of AGWPE