Each ECom member is expected to be prepared to respond as effectively as possible to a callout. No one is expected to ignore personal responsibilities to family or employer, nor unnecessarily risk their welfare! However, personal inconvenience or lack of preparation is insufficient reason for not supporting a callout!
How do I prepare? Put together a "go-bag" of the items suggested in the equipment list shown below. Please understand that you are not expected to stuff your entire ham shack, closet and pantry into a time capsule in preparation for an alternative life style in support of ECom. Rather that you think about the items you do not have and acquire them while there is time and no urgency. The list includes virtually everything you will need to be helpful in an ECom event. We suggest you maintain one "go-bag" with the items that you would need only during a deployment and possibly a second (or it could be just a list) of the items that, when added to the first, will provide you with the personal supplies and radio equipment to make you much more effective and comfortable during an event.
To summarize, don't wait until you are called, to assemble your "go-bag". Do it in advance at your leisure.
The items shown in UPPER CASE are the ones most likely to be needed.
For public
service events:
Optional items:
HF Unique:
There are very few people that would knowingly relieve you of your equipment but during an emergency there is a lot of confusion. If you have each piece of your equipment marked with your name and call it will be much easier to ensure your equipment is returned to you at the completion of the event.
During public service events or emergencies you could easily need to connect your radio to someone else's power supply or someone else may need to connect their radio to your power supply. To facilitate this inter connectivity a standard for power connectors is necessary.
Copyright © W0IPL, June 2007.